Cooking Class: Corn Fregula Salad

By Executive Chef Justin Wangler 
In: Recipes

Fregula looks like a grain, but it’s actually a toasted semolina pasta, similar to Israeli couscous. We love to combine it with corn kernels because the two look similar, but their textures are total opposites. The chewy fregula and the crunchy pop of the corn are a fun contrast. The recipe includes a simple technique for cooking the corn: you put the raw kernels in a colander and drain the just-cooked fregula and water right over them. That quick boiling-water bath is all the cooking fresh summer corn kernels need for a salad like this.

Corn, Fregula & Sun Gold Tomato Salad

Recipe type: Main Dish
Cuisine: 4

4 ears yellow corn, husks and silk removed Kosher salt
1 cup fregula
1 lb Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, halved
2 cups fresh purslane leaves and
tender stems
1⁄4 cup minced fresh chives
1⁄3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1⁄4 cup rice vinegar


To prepare the fregula and corn: One at a time, stand each ear of corn upright on its stem end and, using a sharp knife, cut straight down between the kernels and cob to remove the kernels, rotating the ear after each cut. Transfer the kernels to a large colander with a base and set in the sink.

In a medium pot, combine 2 qt water and 2 tablespoons salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the fregula, adjust the heat to a simmer, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, until tender.

Remove the pot from the heat and pour the fregula over the corn, allowing the hot water to drain through the kernels. Drain well and let cool to room temperature.

To assemble the salad and serve: In a serving bowl, combine the fregula and corn, tomatoes, 1 cup of the purslane leaves, the chives, oil, vinegar, and 1 tablespoon salt and toss to mix well. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. Sprinkle the remaining 1 cup purslane leaves on top.


Corn Fregula Salad