How to Host a Stress-Free Housewarming Party

By Lauren Kelp 
In: Entertaining

Did you just buy a new home and you want to celebrate but don’t want a ton of fuss? We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

Buying a new home is a milestone that absolutely deserves to be celebrated (it’s a big deal!), and while the process of moving in can be stressful, the excitement of homeownership is something you want to share with your friends and family. But here is the thing, unpacking boxes can take a while and the process of decorating and getting everything organized can take months!

Guess what? Who cares! We’ve all been there and it’s okay. Truthfully, there is something kind of welcoming about a home that isn’t perfectly decorating and set-up. We say, have that housewarming party anyway and don’t stress about the mess.

We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

Here are four easy breezy tips to help make your housewarming party stress-free:

Casual is Best

Invitations set the tone of an event, so encourage a casual tone by sending out e-vites, a text, or creating a Facebook invite. Be playful in your verbiage, encourage people to BYOB, and don’t give yourself reason to be overwhelmed.

Separate Your Boxes

No one expects you to have art on the walls and everything in its place, but it will help manage clutter if you separate your boxes by room. Stack them in a corner, or shove them in a closet, but parsing them out creates a more spacious visual. Plus, your guests will most likely be hanging around your kitchen or your living room, so make that room a priority.

Prepare for the Tour

Everyone is going to be excited about your new place (as they should be!) so make sure you are tour ready. That doesn’t mean having everything unboxed and put away, it just means that rooms are clean, candles are lit, and flowers are in thoughtful places (bathrooms are a must).

Plus, when you have your next party once the house is fully decorated, you are going to have some amazing before & after reactions!

Set a Main Space

Just like with every get together, you need to prep a main space. Typically, people linger around the kitchen and living room, so create a place for people to eat, drink, and stay awhile.

We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

I love using our dining room table as a buffet, laying out family style food options, plates, silverware, and plenty of delicious wine.

We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

For our housewarming party, we whipped up an amazing kale, lemon, and avocado salad which is perfect for a spring day and a big group. It’s my favorite seasonal salad and I am sharing the recipe over on, so come on over and grab it. It pairs amazingly well with a crisp, cold glass of K-J AVANT Chardonnay and a cheese board – it’s an absolute crowd pleaser!

We are sharing four easy tips on how to host a stress-free housewarming party and how to have a blast in the process!

So, there you have it — four easy, breezy, no-hassle steps to hosting a fabulous yet, stress-free housewarming party! Can wait to get our invitation in the mail!

For food and wine pairing ideas, visit the entertaining section of our website.