Kendall-Jackson AVANT Adds Green-e to Wine Label

By Kendall-Jackson 
In: Sustainability

Your favorite reds and whites just got a little greener. Take a peek at the back of your Kendall-Jackson AVANT wine label. Notice anything new? K-J AVANT now features the Green-e logo on our label! The Green-e certification is nothing new for us, we’ve actually been certified since 2011. With the launch of the new K-J AVANT collection in 2014, we’re excited to highlight our wines are vinted and bottled using 100% renewable energy.

That Green-e symbol is more than just a fancy add-on. K-J AVANT, along with the rest of Jackson Family Wines,purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), which offset the emissions associated with our company’s annual electricity use. And we don’t stop there, we also take responsibility for our employees by buying an additional 30% to offset their personal home electricity usage. By purchasing these different renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.), we are counteracting our carbon footprint and reducing the gasses emitted into our atmosphere.

Sustainable practices are nothing new for us — it’s been a priority since our first vintage back in 1982. We take a generational approach to farming the land and maintaining the environment. Our goal is to ensure that the land remains healthy and productive for the following generations to farm. Being a family-owned business gives us the ability to make decisions focused on the long-term, rather than on quarterly stock market results. Managing our business from the vineyards to shipping our bottled wines, enables us to integrate sustainable practices into every stage of the art and science of winemaking.

So next time you open up your favorite Kendall-Jackson wine, raise your glass to mother earth, and helping the planet one bottle at a time.

To learn more about Jackson Family Wines’ commitment to sustainability, check out our blog and the sustainability section of our website.