How to Plan the Perfect Summer Picnic

By Lauren Kelp 
In: Entertaining

Hello, hello! Lauren here from & today is going to be a real treat! We are packing up the weekday woes and heading outside for a perfect summer picnic. A picnic is always a good idea in my book so we are breaking down how to pack, what to eat, and, of course, what to drink!

Don’t worry, this isn’t your typical ‘DIY picnic’ post, we are spicing things up and going for the big time here. Want to see what we mean? Keep scrolling!

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

So, you’ve checked the weather forecast and there is nothing but sunshine and blue skies all afternoon. Whip out that basket because we are going for a picnic! Now, I am not a believer that picnics are a weekend-only activity. A well packed picnic can do wonders for the mid-week blues, especially in the summer. But if weekend picnics work for you, then let’s prep ahead of time! Don’t wait until the weather is perfect to gather your goodies. Be a total pro and plan ahead.

Where to start? The food of course!

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANTHow to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

Finger food is the king of picnic foods, so don’t stress about bringing something complex. I always start by taking a quick inventory of the content of the fridge to see what we can set aside for easy to pack picnic food.

Cheese and crackers, trail mix, mixed fruit, and sandwiches are absolutely perfect! Run to your local grocery store the night before or swing by on your way to your picnic to pick up any missing items or gourmet additions to the mix.

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANTHow to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

Next up – the tools! No one likes being stuck in the middle of a picnic with great food, wonderful friends, a perfect bottle of wine and no wine opener. Pack some silverware, plastic cups, and, above all else, a wine opener! Or, you could be a total pro and grab a bottle (or two) of K-J AVANT and bi-pass the tricky tools all together.

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

Okay, picnic pro, you’ve got your food, your tools, now what? Next up – the perfect spot!

Have a perfect spot? Than you’ve got a slam dunk! But if you are new to an area or want to spice things up, keep in mind the trek up there (walking a mile with a hefty basket isn’t the best way to start things out), the ground surface (grass, sand, rock, etc.), and the view!

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

There you have it, the perfect summer picnic pack list. Just grab a blanket, some friends, and get going!

How to plan the Perfect Summer Picnic #KJAVANT

Photography by Constance Higley